About Me

About Me
Before you have a look through my website at what I do and the photos I have had the privilege of shooting, I'd like to introduce myself:
Hi I'm Lydia..
I wanted to put my name above the door of my business so my clients know how much of myself I invest in you and your story when you are choosing me.
I love to travel, so travelling far and wide for you is an honour for me, especially knowing that I get to capture and document precious memories in peoples lives.
Capturing the people you love the most in the world is what I live for. Looking back at precious memories is something I love to do myself. I am a mum, so having photos and memories to look back on is something I will hold onto forever. I totally get it.
I am based in Devon, right on the coast, raising my two babies with my partner and our crazy dog. We love spending our free time making memories, whether it be at the beach, on the moors or even in the garden.